Free Download Industry Empire SKIDROW PC Games : hallo sobat http://jembersantri.blogspot.com pada post saya kali ini, saya akan memberikan sebuah game pc yang berhubungan dengan simulasi pembangunan kota industry dalam berbisnis yang cerdas. tentunya sobat menginginkan sekali kan belajar untuk berbisnis, membuat sendiri tempat perindustrian terbaik, nah, jika memang benar, saya rasa sobat perlu banget untuk mencoba Game Industry Empire ini sob, karena pada game ini sobat nantinya harus membangun sebuah kota perindustrian sampai benar - benar lengkap, dan sobat harus mengelola perkembangan bisnis perekonomian yang ada pada perindustrian sobat tersebut. saya jamin setelah sobat memainkan game ini, nantinya sobat akan betul - betul mahir dan paham mengenai bagaimana cara mendirikan dan mengelola perindustrian secara baik dan benar. pokoknya game ini sangat mengasah otak kita sob. buruah deh di coba gamenya ini. jangan sampai sobat tidak mencoba game simulasi terbaik untuk pc ini.hehe..
Free Download Industry Empire SKIDROW PC Games
Description :
An entire industrial empire under your control.
Have you always dreamed of swimming in money? In �Industry Empire� you are the boss of all bosses. Carry out research, extract raw materials, process them in your factories and distribute your products!
Send off trucks packed with your goods to far off cities and watch how booming trade lets your locations and the region grow and fills your coffers!
Grow your business, get rich and enjoy the fruits of your labor!
With an innovative land acquisition feature: buy plots of land and determine the size and shape of your new factory site!
� A new title in the successful Planner series
� Mine a range of raw materials and manage the entire production chain!
� Extensive research opportunities and dynamic urban growth
� Produce and sell over 160 different industrial products!
� Purchase land, precisely tailored to your needs and wallet!
� Expand your private property and furnish it with luxury items, whether it�s a country home or a villa!
� Added fun through various scenarios such as saving a region from bankruptcy and modernizing old structures
� Includes online leaderboard
� Mine a range of raw materials and manage the entire production chain!
� Extensive research opportunities and dynamic urban growth
� Produce and sell over 160 different industrial products!
� Purchase land, precisely tailored to your needs and wallet!
� Expand your private property and furnish it with luxury items, whether it�s a country home or a villa!
� Added fun through various scenarios such as saving a region from bankruptcy and modernizing old structures
� Includes online leaderboard
Screenshot :

Game Info :
Title: Industry Empire-SKIDROW
Genre: Simulation, Strategy
Developer: Actalogic
Publisher: rondomedia GmbH
Release Date: 22-12-2014
Size: 554 MB / Single Link Compressed
Mirrors: Mega.co.nz, MediaFire, Direct Link, KumpulBagi, Uptobox
Genre: Simulation, Strategy
Developer: Actalogic
Publisher: rondomedia GmbH
Release Date: 22-12-2014
Size: 554 MB / Single Link Compressed
Mirrors: Mega.co.nz, MediaFire, Direct Link, KumpulBagi, Uptobox
Download File :
Download Industry Empire-SKIDROW - Server 1
Download Industry Empire-SKIDROW - Server 2
Password RAR : http://jembersantri.blogspot.com
System Requirements :
� OS: Windows Vista/7/8
� Processor: Dual core CPU 2.4 GHz (or higher)
� Memory: 2 GB RAM
� Graphics: Graphics card with minimum 256 MB (GeForce 7600 GT series, comparable or higher)
� DirectX: Version 8.0
� Hard Drive: 450 MB available space
� Sound Card: Sound card
� OS: Windows Vista/7/8
� Processor: Dual core CPU 2.4 GHz (or higher)
� Memory: 2 GB RAM
� Graphics: Graphics card with minimum 256 MB (GeForce 7600 GT series, comparable or higher)
� DirectX: Version 8.0
� Hard Drive: 450 MB available space
� Sound Card: Sound card
Instalation :
1. Unpack the release
2. Mount or burn image
3. Install
4. Copy everything from the SKIDROW folder into the game installation
5. Block the game in your firewall and mark our cracked content as secure/trusted in your antivirus program
6. Play the game
7. Support the companies, which software you actually enjoy!
2. Mount or burn image
3. Install
4. Copy everything from the SKIDROW folder into the game installation
5. Block the game in your firewall and mark our cracked content as secure/trusted in your antivirus program
6. Play the game
7. Support the companies, which software you actually enjoy!
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