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Game PES 2015 for pc ini juga sangatlah lebih bagus permainannya jika dibandingkan dengan pes versi sebelumnya, karena konami selalu ingin memanjakan para penggemarnya setiap tahun dengan memberikan update game pesnya menjadi lebih bagus, enak dimainkan, mirip aslinya, dan tambahan gaya - gaya pemainnya saat menggiring bola. jersey kitsnya juga sudah yang terbaru sob, jadi sobat tinggal main saja gamenya ini langsung.
KONAMI returns to the football field with PES 2015 with a return to core PES values. Thanks to the incredible FOX Engine, PES 2015 delivers stunning visuals and animation where the worlds greatest players move and play just their real-life counterparts, while Game PES ID ensures that the whole team matches their famed playing style. Every gameplay element has been retooled for a more responsive experience, while new shooting and goalkeeper systems ensure the heart-in-mouth feeling that comes with a top-level game is faithfully recreated. Close control, tackling, and the balance of play also perfectly reflect that of real football. Similarly, players can now use the new myClub system to develop an all-conquering side, building from humble beginnings to create a world-class XI. With all-new multi-player modes, real-life managers pacing the touchlines and new live data, PES 2015 does its talking on the pitch.
Free Download Pro Evolution Soccer ( PES ) 2015 For PC - RELOADED Full Version
Screen Shot :

Genre: Sports
Developer: Konami
Publisher: Konami
Release Date: 11-2014
Size: 5.93 GB / Split 8 part 800 MB + Single Link
Mirrors:, MediaFire, UsersCloud, Uptobox, FileMup
System Requirements :
Minimum:� OS: Windows Vista 32-bit SP2
� CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo E4300 1.8 GHz or Athlon II X2 240 2.8 GHz
� RAM: 1GB System Memory
� GPU RAM: 512MB Graphics Memory
� GPU: Nvidia GeForce 7800 GT or AMD Radeon X1300 XT
� DX: DirectX 9.0c
� HDD: 8 GB Free Hard Drive Space
System Requirements (Recommended) :
- Windows 7 SP1/Vista SP2
- Intel Core i3 530 (AMD Athlon II X4 925 or equivalent processor)
- 2 GB RAM
- nVidia GeForce 7950/ATI Radeon HD 2400/Intel HD Graphics 3000
- DirectX 9.0c Compatible Video Card with 1024MB
- 8GB free HDD space
Download Link :
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Part Link :
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Jika sudah download Game PES 2015 nya, silahkan download update game terbarunya disini :
Download PES 2015 Update 1.03
What's news in Update 1.03?
Pro Evolution Soccer 2015 elevates on-field realism with the aim of recreating the drama and tension associated with vital matches. PES 2015 marks a concerted return to core PES values of total control, utterly responsive controls and unrestricted gameplay, where the user has complete control over how they play. Evert pass, shot or run is finely balanced to give maximum player satisfaction within PES 2015�s on-field action.
- Letakkan semua part dalam sebuah folder lalu extract file tersebut dengan menggunakan Winrar.
- Tunggu sebentar maka akan muncul sebuah folder baru.
- Masuk ke dalam folder tersebut lalu jalankan setup.exe
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- Jika sudah selesai, jangan dijalankan dahulu gamenya.
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- Selesai.
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